It is funny how big changes can be so spur of the moment. Today I had a that moment. I was driving home from work, and had the chance to reflect on the past few weeks.... My life is starting to stray from the path I want to be headed in. I have been slacking off on the exercise front. Only running once a week and playing hockey. I am pretty pissed at myself for not progressing my biking as I had hoped to this summer. It is time to focus my energy, stare my goals straight in the eye and achieve them. After months of going to bed anywhere from 1-4 in the morning, it is time to hit the sack at 11 wake up at six, hit the gym then get my ass out and fly before work.
Some photos from the past few weeks
Don't stop breaking down the door
Sometimes it takes being sick and tired of being sick and tired to bring about the best in us.