Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bright Days

Well by some stroke of luck this blog got discovered and will likely be published (not sure to what extent) in the near future. I just accepted another position as a Community Manager with They are a growing company out of Austin, TX. They offer service and advice for high school seniors and juniors who are trying to decide which college to go to. They found my blog and asked if I would be the ambassador more or less for the Utah. Should be a fun adventure, and they seem eager to help with any entrepreneurial questions I may have. They also offer their top Community Managers a chance to intern in Austin this upcoming summer. Who knows what could happen there!?

Hopefully it will not drain too much of my time, seeing as I work 2 jobs and will be a student again at the University of Utah this spring.

I finally dragged my sorry ass up to the I-street dirt jumps today. I was pretty nervous heading up, because I have trail run up there in the past and seen how many local riders are at the jumps trying to throw down. I decided to take my BMX bike to work on some whips,flares and rhythm sections. I got up there and was pretty nervous, but quickly found a little kicker where I could practice by myself and get in the zone. Made some real progress. Some other dudes even came over to say my riding was looking really good. STOKED!

I decided to up my game after about an hour of working out some kinks on a few jumps. The run starts off with a 5-6 inch wide ladder drop off. Nobody was hitting it, and I had practiced riding curbs around my neighborhood, so I figured I would give it a shot. Made it about half way down a few times, and on my third go round I lined up and hit a larger ladder jump with a 15-20 foot gap. Came up a little bit short on the landing, clipping my back tire on the lip of the landing. I was pretty stoked I was still able to stomp it without going over the bars. I ran back up to the top to get ready to have another go at the ladder jumps, sat on my bike and instantly realized it was riding like a chopper. Looked down.....

The front forks used to come down completely straight from the head tube......
 200 dollars later a new stem and front fork installed, I am ready to roll again.

Today I am thankful for the condition my body is in to be able to hold up strong so I can continue to ride hard both on dirt and snow.

Totally stoked and sending the good vibes 

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


PS Thanksgiving was awesome, the food, friends and family were great. So grateful.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Big Decisions, Subtle Surprises

So after stressing about whether or no I should go to Puerto Rico next semester I finally found my answer in what I would consider a pretty unlikely place.....

Back story-

Freshman year of College, I  took a yoga class up at the University of Utah. What a great class. Mid semester I threw my back out and had a hard time walking. I contemplated going to school for weeks because of the pain (I had broken my lower back 2 years before, and was still struggling with getting my lower back pain free). Going to school that day was the last thing I wanted to do. I finally talked myself into going, and by some small miracle the teacher had decided spur of the moment to change our practice that day to a breathing, mind, body, soul kind of day (we usually were all sweating bullets by the end of class, but not this day).

I was so relieved. The Kundalini (excuse my spelling if it is wrong) exercise that day left me rejuvenated and I walked out of class pain free for the first time in months. You can imagine the feeling of having absolutely no pain after losing sleep for weeks over the discomfort in my lower back.

I met a beautiful lady in that class named Camille, I used to love talking to here after class, hearing all of her crazy party stories she was a real funny girl. I got her number, and have since lost touch with her. One of the benefits of living in this day and age is social media. She and I follow each other on Instagram and here is where the story comes full circle.


I was working on my car today fixing some things and after a few bumps in the road got it all sorted out a few hours off schedule. I treated myself to my favorite meal at a local Vietnamese spot. While waiting for my meal I hopped on Instagram, and saw a photo she had posted that said "Create the things you wish existed".

Not even kidding, right then and there I knew I would not be going to Puerto Rico in January. I had been putting things off by not fixing my car and the feeling of having it all run smooth again is something that I needed. It helped me realize how many small loose ends I have in my life here in Salt Lake. It is time to start stitching them all together to literally make my dreams a reality.

I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many great people, both family and friends.
I have two great jobs and am able to attend school full time in the meantime. Working at a paragliding outfitter and a ski resort is such an awesome gig. I don't think anything is really ever perfect but right now my life seems pretty damn close.

Social media is a wondrous thing it can pull our attention from where we currently are, but it can also help us hone in on what we want by showing us the success of others we care about.

It is time for me to start stringing together the loose ends in my life in order to make my dreams a reality


Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


create the things you wish existed

Friday, November 22, 2013

Surf or Snow?

Well, just when you think you have your game plan figured out, you don't. During work today I got an email from a co-worker at a former job..... they offered for me to go down to Puerto Rico for another internship. They haven't had interns there for a long time and extended the offer out to me to go down and help out. CRAZY. I have school lined up for next spring, but can I put it all on hold for another few months to go live out dreams of traveling the world and being immersed in new cultures? Only time will tell.

Living in Puerto Rico would mean being just 45 minutes from here. Sandy Beach, St. Thomas USVI, my home away from home.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


Adventure Journal