Howdy Y'all! It's been a while since my last post. Totally stoked for summer. The last month has been pretty wild for me. I think 7 months of working 45-50 hours per week and going to school full time finally caught up with me. I had no energy, got sick numerous times and figured if I just put my head down and endured it would all be better soon..... Thank god that was the truth. I don't think I will ever put myself through what I have this past 8 months. I am just glad I made it through the rough spots in one piece. Its amazing what sleeping for almost 2 days will do to reverse months of over working.
Just bought a spangly new computer that I will be able to hone in my Photoshop, Illustrator, Web design skills and occasionally let my gamer nerd take over after long days on the trails.
I have been working on a personal website for the past few weeks, it isn't much but I am glad that I am gaining a new skill that will hopefully make me more marketable once I finally graduate at the end of this Fall Semester! WOOOOOO. Stoked and Nervous to be finishing school.
Hiked Mt. Olympus on Saturday the view of the snowy peaks in the distance was sweet!
oh, my back randomly stopped hurting for the first time in over 5 years..... INCREDIBLE. I have no idea why or what I did. Maybe the stars just aligned in my favor. But every day without back pain does not go unnoticed. So thankful for it and I hope my days stay this way for a long time to come.
Stoked for Spring.
I can't wait to get back out on the board soon and do some windsurfing.
Charge hard season is in full swing at camp Kameron.
Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors