Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Another day, Another dollar

The past two weeks have gone by so fast. I know my time here on St. Thomas will go by so much quicker than Durango, even though I am marooned on this rock for 2 months longer than I was in Durango. Life down here is sweet. We are really starting to set in to life down here. The streets are nothing like I have ever seen in the states. There are so many hidden jems down tiny little alleys. Everything is so much bigger in the continental US. Including the people. The locals down here are so awesome. I could watch them all day every day and never get bored. The pitter patter of childrens feet running through the courtyards of the private Catholic Schools on the way to work, the constant beeping of car's horns to tell people hello, the cluck of wild chickens in the park. Everything here is so sweet. Over the past few months I have been reading Walden Pond by Thoreau. It is a super boring book, but some of the best messages I have found in a book are tucked within it's pages. I have really learned to sit back and enjoy my surroundings all the time. My life usually runs 100021203 miles per minute and I always have to be occupied by something, so it has been cool to learn how to just relax and take it all in these past few months. I have been super blessed to enjoy new beautiful surroundings along my observatory journey.

The world is so beautiful. Everyone should do their best to cherish it. I cannot think of anything more beautiful than this world. I cannot honestly think of anything greater than being captivated by nature. I am so glad that my dad used to let me huddle up to him when I was little and watch Nature, or Nova with him. My mom always taught me how to have fun outdoors. She was the one who taught me how to swim. And look at me now, living on St. Thomas improving the same strokes she taught me so many years ago. I am so glad to be living on the island that my parents got married on! How cool is that?!?! Honestly. wow. I feel so close to them every day. Yet I am so far away. If it wasn't for this island there probably wouldn't be a me. Just kidding haha gross. But really though I have the best parents in the world and they are so fun to be around. I am so glad they brought me up and encourage my curiosity. They make me who I am today. And for that I thank them.

Ok enough parent ranting. St. Thomas is the bees knees. Monday night movie night on water island. every day skimming and swimming. Work has been going great. Our bosses talked to the Caribbean sales director and they think we should close the store one Saturday this month and have an all expenses paid trip to St. John. HELL YES! They love the work that we are all doing, and are going to send us to St. John for a day. SIIIIIIIICK we are all super excited. Money is tight, so it will be sweet to be able to go and not have to worry about paying!!!!

I love it down here. I love and miss everyone back home! I cannot wait to share my stories with you all when I get back, but for now this blog will have to do.

Never stop breaking down the doors-


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