Thursday, September 19, 2013

Words from a not so wise.

So for my writing class I am going to have to write a speech. Undoubtedly it will end up on my blog in the next few weeks. I am not the best writer, I'll be the first to admit. However reading over my cell phone journal, there is some pretty profound shit in there. Could I have a way with words? Who knows. Here are a few things I have learned/felt within the past year.

Do Epic Shit

Shoot with a camera, not a gun.

The less we ask for, the more we have to give.

So many people travel the world, yet see nothing.

Be ambitious damnit.
You don't stop living when you get old, you get old when you stop living.   

So many of us stand still watching life pass us by, watching dreams fade away. Why do we need others to be our motivational speaker? You are your best advocate. Nobody knows you better than yourself!

Don't let the things you consume end up consuming you.

These are just a few of the things I have taken away from life this past year. I encourage everyone who reads this to start keeping a short journal on your phone, notebook, computer. Remember the last time you had a great idea and you knew you would NEVER forget it. Well, you did. Start writing the good little tid bits down. They make for a good read later.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


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