Monday, December 3, 2012

Get real.

What a weekend. Virgin Gorda one of the most amazing things I have ever seen in my entire life. One word. CONSUMED. Mother nature at her finest. There is no other place  in the world quite like the baths. I couldn't help but think "I will return someday". I will, I know without a doubt I will make the trip back. The feelings I experienced atop the four story granite boulders are like those which I had in the mountains. For me there is nothing better than the euphoric angst I get from immersing myself in nature. I love being ripped from life's hum drum days by vast spectacles in nature. I have been so lucky. I cannot thank my parents enough. They sparked the fire of adventure in me from a young age. Nothing makes me happier than the wanderlust I experience in life. I have started a one liner journal on my phone. It is sweet to reflect on your thoughts now down the road. (Mostly why I write on this blog). One of the passages says, "You might regret it if you do, but you'll definitely regret it if you don't". Live by this.

I really want to motivate people. If there was some awesome way to make a living out of it, I would. Something my dad said to me a lot when I was younger sunk in a lot, "Lead by example, not by belittling others". I think this idea has helped shape who I am today. I am nowhere near perfect, and have my fair share of flaws, but who doesn't. I have found that those who say they have no flaws, usually have the most.

If anything were ever to happen to me, I wouldn't want people to look back and think I sat in park as life drove by. I want to live a life full of pursuit, passion, and creativity. A life in DRIVE, if you will, with the occasional stop to soak in a good view. I cannot express how much I love all of my friends and family. Being away for so long helps you to realize a lot about those you love, and those you thought you loved. Time is the mortar that fills the cracks in our hearts. Friends and family are what fills it space with love.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


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