Thursday, December 13, 2012


The past 8 months have become such a blur for me recently. I know I have changed, A LOT, but I will have no way of knowing just how much I have until I return home to the life I once knew. Over the past 8 months I have become sensitized to many things I once found no more appealing than the dust between my toes. I am going to return home with a whole new set of eyes, and I am 100% ok with that. Life is about change, adaptation, a new understanding for old things. When I get back I have to find a new car, and for most this would be a hard choice, but for me it is a crazy hard choice. I honestly cannot decide what is best, a four wheel drive that will get me to and from work safely, but burns gas like an airplane, or the economical road trip car. I am honestly torn. My habitual wanderlust ways point me towards a car that will take me on a whole world of new adventures. I am pretty sure I will end up getting an average car, with average mileage, and just ride my bike a lot more. Finding a new car from 4000 miles away is not my idea of fun.

The past 8 months I have realized a lot about how little it really takes to live a full life, and have fun. I came to STT with one backpack, 3/4 full of clothes. I will be leaving with it about as empty. We should all find ways to separate ourselves from the THINGS in our life, and grow closer to people in our lives. Happiness is best when shared. My happiness is nature. No matter where I end up in life, I know I will never loose my closeness with this earth. It is the only thing that we all depend on.

When the last tree is cut,
When the last river is emptied,
When the last fish is caught,
Only then will Man realize that he cannot eat money.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


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