Sunday, September 29, 2013


Started and finished another repair at work on Friday. I am actually getting pretty good with a sewing machine. It is cool to see how much I have progressed in the last few months at this new skill. I had a dinner date lined up with a friend later that night and little did I know it would turn into one of the funnest/funniest nights in a long, long time.

630 Time to pick her up- My original plan was to take her to get some good Italian pizza, (I had been craving it all day).

On our way to the pizza place, somehow the conversation turns towards Jackson Hole..... 4 and a half hours later we pull up to a hotel in Alpine, Wyoming just outside Jackson. We get the last room in town, after canceling a prior reservation just minutes before at another hotel in Driggs, Idaho.


Woke up spent the morning in Jackson and headed to the Grand Tetons. When we arrived the ranger at the entrance told us it was National Public Lands day.... THE ONE DAY A YEAR IT IS FREE TO GET INTO NATIONAL PARKS...... Took her on my favorite little walk there, where I had seen 2 bears just months before.


Call it what you will, but somehow I cant help but feel that I was in the right place at the right time yesterday. Amazing. absolutely amazing. What a day.

I can't help but think about a few things since yesterday.

- Take a disposable camera along every once and a while -

-Get lost in the moment-

Every time you check your phone, you check out from your surroundings.
Leave your charger at home, it lets you enjoy the journey so much more.

- Money is just an object -

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors

- Kam -

Monday, September 23, 2013


Soooo.... turns out we can't chose the topic of our speech. LAME. Oh well. Today I am stoked!
A close friend got her interview to hopefully get the internship and her foot in the door of her career after months of waiting. So stoked for her. Sometimes I wonder if it is normal to be as stoked as I am all the time! Life is so great, even when it sucks, put your head down and work through it finding happiness in the little things along the way.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Words from a not so wise.

So for my writing class I am going to have to write a speech. Undoubtedly it will end up on my blog in the next few weeks. I am not the best writer, I'll be the first to admit. However reading over my cell phone journal, there is some pretty profound shit in there. Could I have a way with words? Who knows. Here are a few things I have learned/felt within the past year.

Do Epic Shit

Shoot with a camera, not a gun.

The less we ask for, the more we have to give.

So many people travel the world, yet see nothing.

Be ambitious damnit.
You don't stop living when you get old, you get old when you stop living.   

So many of us stand still watching life pass us by, watching dreams fade away. Why do we need others to be our motivational speaker? You are your best advocate. Nobody knows you better than yourself!

Don't let the things you consume end up consuming you.

These are just a few of the things I have taken away from life this past year. I encourage everyone who reads this to start keeping a short journal on your phone, notebook, computer. Remember the last time you had a great idea and you knew you would NEVER forget it. Well, you did. Start writing the good little tid bits down. They make for a good read later.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Up in the air

What a crazy past few weeks. Starting school is intense. Forgot what it feels like to stretch my brain so much. I am enjoying learning a lot, few big tests coming up and I am trying to be as proactive as I can about them. School and a higher education is such an amazing gift to receive. So many people don't have my same opportunities. I am truly blessed.

Oh and I jumped Corona Arch again this past weekend :P WOOOO STILL STOKED!

We only get one shot at life. We may as well have a hell of a lot of fun, safely and responsibly!

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors



Adventure Journal