Thursday, January 29, 2015


Well, after a few months of searching, being turned down by numerous companies. I finally found a job. I couldn't be happier. To be honest, I graduated in Communications and specialized in PR and Marketing, but I think my heart was always set on marketing (not because there is more money in it). As many of you know I taught lessons at Solitude for a number of years, I got a seasons pass up there again this season to make sure that I could ski and hang out with my old employees. I bumped into a friend I met while working up there. He mentioned that the company he was working for would be looking for some marketing positions in the near future. I didn't really put much thought into it at first, but later decided that it couldn't hurt to give him a call..... A little over a month later I just got hired as their Marketing Coordinator! During that month I was offered another management opportunity with Del Sol, only this time they sweetened the deal by offering me and Jake Hawaii after managing 3 months in Alaska. The money was great, the locations were even better, but the outlook for my career path would have likely been slowed a year or more.

My end goal is to be working somewhere in the humanitarian/environmental protection sector. I may be stargazing, but I really do want to change the world. I want to leave this rock better than I found it. It won't happen over night, nor will it happen without a lot of struggles and screw-ups. I am determined to help people get an education who would likely not receive one without a helping hand. I am determined to make a difference. I honestly think that by accepting the job at Barebones I am increasing my chances of reaching my end goal. They are a great company founded by someone who's goals align with mine. I am very hopeful that I can continue to grow and learn as a person, co-worker, friend, humanitarian, facilitator and many more.

It feels really good to find a job that aligns with my personal beliefs.

Next up.... Finish planning a two week trip to Iceland and Norway this Fall with my co-pilot, Courtney. Totally stoked.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


Friday, January 23, 2015

Pieces Fall

It feels good to finally feel like some of the pieces of my life are falling together. It can get hard to trust that things will turn out how you see them in your head before hand. All I can say is that, if you truly believe in yourself and don't sell yourself short, anything is possible. I am glad that I have waited to find a "career" job instead of throwing in the towel after being turned down a few times. At the end of it all, I think the position I will accept is the best offer and best first step into my career path. It really feels good. There are some big plans coming in the next few weeks! Check back in and I will update when I have time.

Really missing the open road/road trip recently.

As always,

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Well, after months of searching, I finally have an actual job offer. Unfortunately it is not an easy decision. The offer is an assistant manager position with Del Sol again in Juneau, AK. The only catch is, I am finally guaranteed the manager position in Hawaii after I work four months in Juneau. I have always wanted to live in Hawaii. Del Sol makes moving, living and succeeding really easy. But is it the best option for me right now? I am not sure. The job wouldn't start until May. I know they will want a decision relatively soon, but there are some things/people that I don't think are worth potentially losing if I decide to go.

On the flip side of the coin, I don't really have any solid job leads that are keeping me in Salt Lake City.

On the bright side, I finally sat down and figured out how to use Adobe Illustrator, and worked up a watermark for my photographs. I will be shooting the World Cup Moguls and Aerials event at Deer Valley this weekend, so hopefully I can give the watermark a test drive on some of those photos!

Here it is!
(Obviously there is a Inverted version of this for places that have white backgrounds)

I wanted something that said: Wasatch, Skiing but also encompassed something that would distinguish me or my name.
I think the end result came out pretty well. It's a camera with the Wasatch silhouetted, and the ski lines in the lens create a "K". Furthermore, the top part of the lens doubles as a sunrise over the top of Mount Olympus. Simple, but I think it captures what I wanted effectively.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Adventure Journal