Friday, December 12, 2014

Bitter Sweet

Well.... as of five minutes ago, I am officially finished with school. All of my assignments are submitted, papers written, finals taken. I'm kind of a part of it still, but I already miss college. What an amazing experience. I definitely grew up a whole hell of a lot during college. It is pretty incredible to see how much I have stretched my boundaries as a person, yet feel like I could go back to school, and learn new lessons all over again. I really don't think I have taken my last college course. At least I hope I haven't. If we aren't learning we aren't growing. I am very hopeful about my future.

Even though I don't have a job yet, for the next five minutes will I feel like I accomplished as much as I could in my 4 years of schooling.... that is until I go outside, turn my car on, hear a screech and realize... "You don't have enough money to fix it". That's when reality sets in that I am broke and I can't say "HA!, I'm a college student, therefore I am broke."

Well, until next class. Thanks college, you were incredible. Not what I expected, but so much more. I will dedicate my efforts down to road to making sure people get the same opportunity I just had.

- Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors -


Monday, December 1, 2014


Today we had to put down my favorite dog in a long long time. Lucy, she was 14 and had been battling a brain tumor for the past year. Her eye had been bulging since June, went away.... then came back worse more recently. I am glad my sister got to see her before she left back to California. It is pretty wild how Lucy made it until Katie came home again, then took a turn for the worse the day she left. I don't think I will ever forget holding her in her final moments. It was bitter sweet. I am glad I was there, holding her, whispering in her ear the moment she died. It was the first dead I have seen from beginning to end. It was strangely calming to watch her go and hold her through it all. She will be sorely missed, but I can rest easy knowing she is pain free and happy.

It was really nice to have my sister in town for Thanksgiving. It's funny how old friends and family can always get together and pick up right where they left off. It makes saying "See ya later" so much easier. Today has been full of goodbyes. I HATE goodbyes, I wrote an entire blog post about it when I got back from St. Thomas. They are never easy for me, but I have come to enjoy the pain; knowing that if the goodbyes were easy, I probably wasn't cherishing the time I had with them enough.
Hard goodbyes are the best goodbyes because you know you had a good time.

Cherish every moment, no matter how ugly or bleak.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


Adventure Journal