Sunday, October 28, 2012


This will be another one of my ramblings, so buckle up, sit down and shut up.

Over the past week I had the pleasure of reading The Geography of Bliss end to end. Sweet book, well worth the read. through reading i have educated myself with lots of new words, and some KILLER quotes. I had it pointed out to me recently that i am into quotes. Am I? Shit, I am. I LOVE QUOTES. My life has been one big whirlwind the past little bit. Good thing i came prepared with an open mind. Recently i have found myself thinking about the world, and seeing people as energy. This all sounds so ZEN. <---- what does that even mean?!!? I honestly have no great way of putting it, so i am going to stick to the basics.

(I promise I did not drop drugs of any form before writing this post)

I truly think that everyone emits some sort of energy, label it what you will, but for me i am finding that energy describes it best for me. For Jaleem at work, energy is the same as vibe. whenever we meet someone new, or are talking about co-workers. we talk about the vibes they give off. Everyone emits some sort of energy whether they are conscious of it or not.

I really should be more sure of myself in trying to explain what i believe in. I think that everyone should do what really feels right for them. Weigh the options, assess the pros and cons, then go with your gut. I have been flying by the seat of my pants, and making decisions based off of what feels right for the past few months and look where it has gotten me. 3160 miles from the quarter acre plot i call home. I spent a summer in Colorado too. Not a bad life, by any means. It is so obvious to others when we are struggling, i see it in others around me, and i see it in myself daily. The human element is real, we can tell when others are having an off day (most of the time), but not only that, we can see straight through people.

This past week has been CRAZY, work went great, the CEO was in as well as 5 others from Corporate, I met a girl who i think sees me for who and what i stand for, i destroyed at hooker tree (local bar game), i ran past my dream girl on the way to the beach this morning, and finally mustered up the nuts to sit down and share some laughs and conversation on the beach with her, TURNS OUT SHE IS A @#!$@#!$#$#%%^^%* CALENDAR GIRL FOR HOOTERS?!?!!? Conversation flowed easily, we were both laughing, neither one of us were looking too great. She is from Philly and we were both sweating like a fountain in a hurricane. She has only been here for about a month and is doing "Marketing" for the local Hooters, and does something part time with the Miami Dolphins. WTF? She ended up asking for my number and said she'd love to hang out. NO SHIT. I have an interesting feeling about this one,  beyond the obvious good looks, she seems super cool. She even seemed a little shy, (definitely not because of me). AS IF MY LIFE WASN'T ALREADY A PIPE DREAM....... we will see where this goes in the coming weeks, but for now. I am going to continue living my Zen, Buddhist, Hindu, egalitarian way of life and see where it leads me. I am not sure if i believe in destiny, but some crazzzzzzzzzy stuff has happened the past few weeks, that are leading me to believe that i am not some variable in a mathematical equation of the cosmos.

Sorry, I know none of this probably makes sense, and my writings are by no means ever an easy read. Oh well.

Never Stop Breaking Down the Doors


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