Monday, October 1, 2012

Open up.

Today was an average day. Wait what?!?! What the hell does average day even mean? I live on St. Thomas, 5 thousand miles from the people and things I call home. No day is average, ever. There is so much we can take away from each and every day, sometimes we just have to look harder to find it. Today was awesome. I went to work, came home and watched a movie with the crew. pretty "average" day at first glance, but today i learned a lot. i learned more today about some of my roommates than i have in the past 7 weeks. I am always looking for new things to inspire myself. Today I was inspired by Charles. Charles has been working on a poem for the past few weeks to give to someone. He is a  very open person, like myself but he didn't tell any one of us that he was working on his poem until today. It was a pretty sick poem I wont lie. It is a story of a raindrop. He sat me down and said he had to share it with me. He was ready to open up his most private thoughts with me. It was awesome. After finishing his poem he asked me in a round about way to figure out how to illustrate it for him. I was stoked, what an honor. This kid that i dont really get along with very well, is asking me of all people to help him brainstorm ideas and pictures to present his hard work in the best possible way. It was neat to see him open up and allow himself to be vulnerable to my opinion (something he NEVER does, trust me haha). After listening to the poem and quickly running some options of ways to tell the story, i was inspired to go and finish a drawing i started a few weeks ago. As with most of my drawings i didn't finish it on my first attempt, and by the time i got around to finishing it, i wasn't happy with how it ended up and rushed the finish. I find i do that a lot with my art. I get tired of my work a lot and just want to start something new, before my other thoughts are finished. This is something i definitely need to work on.

A few thoughts ran through my head while rummaging through websites today, just looking for things. not really knowing what i was looking for, just knowing that i was looking. i found some pretty neat quotes and thought provoking articles.

I found a line in a passage that i particularly liked:

You don’t have to be fearless. Just be sincere.

I really enjoyed this quote. It is something i have grown to realize over the past few years. We can get so much farther in life if we could just learn to be sincere with everyone. Everyone can sense fear, as i did tonight in Charles' voice as he was reading me his poem. But fear can sometimes lead to the most liberating moments of our life. Sometimes we just need to feel the fear, and do it anyway. Be sincere. I need to do a better job at that when i write my penpal. I sometimes get lost in stories, or write things in a certain way, for fear of being criticized by them in a return letter. i definitely am going to do a better job at focusing on myself and how i present the true me to everyone. such as this blog post. why do we use capital letters at the start of sentences. they don't tell us anything new, we know it is the beginning of a new idea, because there was a period right before. who knows, i am probably just lazy.

well i am off to bed. i am super tired. hopefully you can read my writings, i talk in circles, skip words, loose ideas, start new ideas abruptly, and misspell often. it's what makes me, well, me i guess.

Never Stop Breaking Down the Doors


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