Tuesday, September 4, 2012


 Yesterday was honestly one of the most amazing nights of my life. Courtney and Andrew (our bosses) told us about a movie showing that happens every Monday night on Water Island. It's 10$ and that includes the ferry ride over there. The movie for the night was The Hunger Games. We had to go. Joel has been reading us the second book every night. We call it our nightly "scripture". Charles and I had never read the book or seen the first movie so we knew we had to go.
Thank goodness we did

The ferry ride over to Water Island was amazing. Honestly I can barely recall another moment in my life when I was so taken back by my surroundings.

This was the view from the ferry.

Arriving at the dock.
(All pictures were taken with my iPhone with no retouching)

The movie on the beach. There was a food cart set up by the owners just outside of this picture. Cheap burgers and drinks. It was such an intimate setting, there was probably about 45 or 50 people at the movie, most of whom are residents of Water Island, so it had a real local feel. 
This will definitely become our weekly ritual.

The following night Joel and I went to the dock just off the beach at Frenchmans Cove where the Marriott Hotel is. The dock is about 300 yards off shore. It has become our regular spot to go for a quick swim and hang out after work. Jake, Joel and I call it "Our Dock"
Some great conversations with great people have been on this dock. I will never forget these nights. I wake every morning anxiously awaiting our next trip to the dock.
I am living the life I love right now.
Eyes wide open and a Heart full of passion.

Never Stop Breaking Down the Doors

- Kam

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