Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Juneau what you are doing this summer?

Anyone who knows me well knows I have a really british dry awful sense of humor. Spend a day with me and you hear way more puns that you ever thought imaginable. I am not sorry. I make myself laugh, some may think that it is wrong or twisted to make yourself laugh, but I'd rather laugh than cry. Until that changes let the pun river flow freely.

I am 99% sure I am going to Juneau this summer. All I have to do is send the e-mail, which will most likely happen tomorrow morning. I cannot wait. I got my mountain bike in today to be serviced so I will be ready to roll the second I set foot in Alaska. I am so stoked. I really do not want this next paragraph to come off as some douchey wine sipping late night fire talk but I think it needs to be said.

STOP SAYING YOU WISH YOU HAD THE LIFE I HAVE. If you really want to travel the world and go see things and experience life from the drivers seat. GET IN THE GOD DAMN DRIVERS SEAT. So many people let life pass them by and just watch helplessly through the window. I have learned that no matter where you go, there you are. People all over the world are almost exactly alike in how they live their life. What really sets people apart in this world is ambition. Go out and get whatever you want. If you fail, fail hard. Don't cut yourself short.

I am going to Alaska, because one year ago my best friend asked me to go on an adventure. He saw what I see in so many people around me. Ambition waiting to be set free. Thank god I had the balls to say yes, and get started on the adventure of a lifetime. And soon the adventure continues. I challenge all who read this to find your ambition and set out on your journey. I am a quote nerd and here are some more bits from my phone journal. We all should live these ways a little bit more. Myself included.

You'll never win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket.

Be nice to the people on the way up, because they're the same ones you'll meet on the way down.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


Hopefully my next post will be me spewing how stoked I am to have landed my first 180 Endo on my bike. We'll see

1 comment:

  1. You may understand what drives your old man. My greatest ambition was to be a father. Having you and your sister has been my greatest achievement and I hope my best legacy. After that, building the boats was a big one. I loved the whole process. Though many said I was crazy, they would never work, and why didn't I just go buy one. Well, they'll never know the kind of pride one has when they look at a thing of beauty an can say, "I made that with my own hands."

    I agree that instead of sitting on the sidelines, wishing you could be part of something more, and complaining about everything that holds you back, you should get up off your duff and just do it.

    To have tried and failed is still success. To have never tried but wishing you had is complete failure. It is the "If only...", "I should have...", and "I could have..." that eat at your soul. If you try and fail, you can say I tried but it didn't work out. No regrets.

    Just remember, while you go through your life, loved ones matter, keep them close. Happiness comes from inside you. Not from a bottle, needle, or someone else. Be true to yourself and it will be easier.

    Most of all, remember that your MOD loves you and I am proud of the man you are becoming.

    Leave no doors unopened, no loves unloved, no stones unturned, but above all, stay safe so you can share it all.


Adventure Journal