Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Mix

Adjusting to Salt Lake City life is still pretty weird. School came back pretty easy and I am not having to hard of a time keeping my grades up. The best way I can describe life here is stale. The bar was set high for me the past 8 months. So to come back to the same place I have lived my entire life, it is pretty clear why I feel like nothing is new.

I changed a whole hell of a lot while I was away. I can't wait to get out again. It is frustrating to feel like I don't know what my next big adventure is. I had the chance to go over to my grandma's tonight and it was fun to hear all of her stories. It is wild to see how she talks in circles when she is having casual conversation about day to day things, but when she starts talking about the different things she has collected from all over the world she can tell you a story about everything. It is so cool.

I miss hearing so many different stories. So many people here in Utah have the exact same story. I miss the feeling in St. Thomas that, EVERYONE has a story. Now I know that not all of the people in Utah are boring and have no story, but the stories here are nothing compared to those in St. Thomas.

I leave you, whoever you are with a few bits from the Journal I keep on my phone.

No day but today

Find your room with a view

So many people travel the world, yet see nothing.
Stop and stare, take it all in.

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


1 comment:

  1. I think a lot of it has to do with your perspective. Adventure is where you make it and how you perceive it. For some, getting out of the valley to see the mountains is huge. For me, my greatest adventure was watching you and your sister grow up. I hope I never see the end of that adventure.

    As you grow older, perspectives and priorities change. That is natural. Look for your peace within. See the adventure as making each day as rich as possible. As you said, don't forget to stop and take it all in too. One thing I've found interesting in life is how some of the smallest things have the greatest impact farther down the road. What seems large and looming today, may be nothing tomorrow, but one simple word in passing, may have huge consequence years down the road.

    Make each step you take a positive one. Each smile a true and bright one. Each handshake, meaningful. Each love deep and caring. These things will define your life and prove to be your biggest strength. Don't take anything or anyone for granted. Every moment counts for something, make them count big.

    Live large, love lots, have fun, and be safe. I love you very much.



Adventure Journal