Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I believe I can fly

For my entire childhood I would anxiously wait for my birthday to roll around so I could use my one wish for something that I wanted more than anything in the world at the time. I wanted to fly. Just like Robin Williams in Hook, I wanted to pretend I was Peter Pan soaring above everyone else. Somewhere along my path to being a teenager I got the idea that I was "wasting" my wish. It getting time to grow up. I always felt a little cheated as a kid not being able to fly because everyone can do anything if they try hard enough right????

Well yesterday I found out I, that age old cliche is no lie. Here's the story-

I committed to Alaska, I was going to go up and manage the Juneau store for Del Sol. I was going to continue logging my new adventures and life would be awesome. Then the twist. Last week I got a call from a local paragliding company called Superfly. The wanted to have me come in that week and interview.... I had applied a month before on a whim. This couldn't all be happening could it? I knew I was going to Alaska and I was even getting to have one of my best friends come with me.

I figured more interview experience wouldn't hurt and who knows it they might like me enough to let me interview again after Alaska. Friday I went in to Superfly not knowing what to expect. Instantly I was greeted by Chris Santacroce, he was a super nice guy. The two other employees came out and introduced themselves and everyone was so nice. Right away I felt like this was somewhere I needed to be. I should have done a little more research about everything before the interview but I just went into it with my heart on my sleeve.

Before I knew it the interview was up and I was out the door. Immediately I thought of 100,002,084,129 questions I should have asked and things I should have done to show more interest. I really needed some time to decompress, I had just decided to go to Alaska, two of my closest friends were in town on spring break who I hadn't seen in years, one of my best friends was probably going to jail in the next two days, I had three mid terms to do and my mom and I had just gotten into a huge argument about life. I had way too many first world problems.

Monday rolls around and I am riding this stoke from the interview. Everyone I shared the news with was so excited for me. After doing my research I come to find out that my two bosses Chris and Jeff are some of the biggest names in paragliding around the world. Chris Santacroce is part of Red Bulls Air Force team and arguably the best paraglider ever. The guy officially went pro at 17 for hell sakes! Jeff Farrell is an Emmy award winning cinematographer............. I had just interviewed with these dudes totally clueless about who they were. IDIOT.

By noon on Monday I had pretty much succumb to the fact that I did not get the job. The phone call came...... I recognized the number from the week before. It was Superfly. Ashley got on and told me that Chris and Jeff wanted to extend the job offer to me........... Immediately I start shaking. I say I would love to, run back to my table in the library and frantically try to gather my things quietly and get out of the building so I can break my composure. I instantly start calling all my family and close friends to tell them the crazy news. I got the job. I didn't care about the pay (I still hadn't even heard what I was going to make). I didn't care about my mid terms. I was overcome with emotion. I was on cloud nine and anyone within 500 ft could easily see it.  Late last night I got the formal e-mail from Chris extending the job offer to me.

I cannot thank everyone enough for all of the support the past two weeks, helping me through my decisions. They have not been easy. It is no stretch to say LIFE IS GOOD for me at the moment. THANK YOU!

You can be anything. I know it. I am finally going to be able to fly (as much as I want and for free with training from my awesome bosses!!!!!!! crazy). Never let life get you down. Sometimes in our darkest hours is when we find out just how bright our light can be. If you have suffered through this long blog post, I hope it was worth your time. As always-

Don't Stop Breaking Down the Doors


Oh by the way this is a video of my new boss... so crazy!

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